
Explain How Children And Young People's Development Is Influenced By External Factors

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Q2b. Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by external factors.
External factors include:
Poverty and deprivation
Family environment and background
Grief and loss
Personal choices
Looked after/ care status

Poverty and deprivation

Poverty affects the healthy development of every child. A young person's development is greatly affected by his or her housing and neighbourhood, family income and level of parents' education, access to healthy food and physical recreation, access to dental and medical care, and genetic makeup. Early childhood is the most important phase for overall development throughout the lifespan.
Brain and biological development during the
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– Dr Miriam Kaufman

Young people are busy how to understand the world around them, and how to fit in the word. How to achieve that can be influenced by cultural background, gender and family expectations.

Early adolescence (12-14 years)

Young people are looking for more responsibility. They looking for more challenges to get more experience, it can be risky because they can involve in dangers. Young people looking for more independence. They can express their self well but sometimes they are rude to adult. They show more argument with parents. World is not perfect. They reflect more on “right” and “wrong” and set for them self values and morals.
Also get more experiences about responsibility for own decisions and consequences.
They reflect on career and future. Children discover they sex and show interesting in romantic relationships. The relationships are not always intimate relationships, some children get involve to early in sexual relationships and some until late on in their life. They start discover they body well and increase touching there body’s sex

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