
Explain How Medicine Has Changed Over Time Essay

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Explain How Medicine Has Changed Over Time Essay
How Medicine Has Changed Over Time Illness and disease were of a civilization or considered a divine penalty in the early times of ancient countries. Ancient medicine was the foundation of ways to treat a sick person. It has been practiced in the early BCE ages, but since then, it has been more developed. Treatments came in the form of plants, animals, and minerals. Now it comes in the form of injections and pills. Medicine that is practiced today developed from the nineteenth and twentieth century. Medicine is something that helps prevent, ease, and slow an illness. Modern medicine has helped improve life expectancy and cure and control many illnesses and viruses. In the early …show more content…
When we are severely injured or have a common cold, we seek medication to help us get better. “Medicine is the practice of treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of diseases”. – (dictionary). Treatments comes in different forms, it all depends on what is the illness is. If someone have an infection, disease or virus a doctor would prescribe them antibiotics which, would slow down the infection. Now, modern medicine is proven to help someone get better from their illness. When someone is admitted to the hospital in this century, they provide an oxygen tube to help breathing easier. Also, before someone would undergo surgery they would be put under anesthetic which puts them to sleep, where they would not feel any sort of pain or hear what is being done to them. The equipment’s physicians use are sterile, safe, and must pass the federal inspection. The development of these, reduced the risk of diseases spreading and having a patient being exposed to more life threating …show more content…
One hundred and fifty years ago, our life expectancy as Americans was about thirty-five to forty years old, but now we live to, about double the numbers. Lifesaving medicine practice have become a regular routine among us. In the early ages, people would painfully die from worms, child birth, fever, and tuberculosis. Life was filled with contagious diseases, malnutrition, starvation, and injuries. The majority of deaths before the twentieth century were “causes by microbe’s bacteria, amoebas, protozoans, or viruses that ruled the Earth and to a lesser extent still do”. –

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