Adopting business processes
In today’s society IT is becoming more essential in everyday life. We use IT to contact people, to shop and to find information. Businesses are now trying to adapt to the ways of IT so they can build a stronger connection between their business and their consumers. One of the ways businesses are doing this is by introducing loyalty cards. Loyalty cards are basically cards that companies give you rewards and therefore encourage loyal buying behaviour which in turn benefit the company immensely. Once you get a loyalty card you have to register with the business online, using the cards details. So now, the company knows where you live and what kind of things you buy.
Businesses also use ‘payback’ methods to get in touch with their consumers. Pay back is when a customer makes a purchase online (can only work if they register with their email address before they make the payment), and the supplier sends a personalised email to you, telling customers that they have the opportunity to knock some figures off their online purchase. They also put a timeline on when the offer ends to encourage buyers to buy quickly.
Sales and marketing strategies for global opportunities
Marketing organisations products over the internet is one of the most cost-effective ways to get people to notice your business. With the ability to create blogs and interact with others over the internet, consumers also have the capability to share information. This leads us to viral marketing. Viral marketing offers encouragements to pass on a message (or sometimes video) about a particular product or service. An example of this is the T-Mobile viral marketing campaign, which involved every day looking dancers to work together and shock travellers on their way to work. The plan was to get everyone so excited and in the mood that they will start to record the moment and this is how the video becomes viral. The adverts have