Book 3 Assessment 1
Explain how governments may intervene in the management of destinations.
In this assessment I will be looking at why tourism is so important to the UK’s economy and how the government influences tourism. I will be looking at the roles of DCMS and tourism organisation boards and local councils. I have chosen the New Forest in Hampshire to investigate how the government plays a role in the day to day running of the destination.
When I searched online, how do governments intervene in the management of destinations, I found this statement “Governments become involved in tourism either through direct action to develop facilities and areas or indirectly by nurturing organisations that foster tourism.” ( now I will be looking into this statement and find out …show more content…
Governments provide funding to organisations such as Visit Britain to promote Britain to overseas and to people in Britain.
The government also provides areas with health and leisure centres, most holidaymakers use a swimming pool when on holiday.
Also provides funding for bus services and manages the car parks.
The government intervenes in many parts of tourism, helping promote and manage, like in The New Forest , providing information about the wildlife and nature so it will help preserve the area for years to come.
The Governments reason to intervene in the management of tourism destinations is to boost the economy and to create as many jobs as possible to reduce unemployment in the country, “governments have a strong interest in tourism in terms of its benefits to the economy and society.” (
Word Count - 1500