There are many different organisations involved when there is any suspicion that a child may have been abused or actually harmed. Some of the main ones being:
Educational Services
OFSTED – aims to ensure the safe and secure provision for learners across all remits through effective inspection and regulation. Therefore safeguarding is part of their core business and all staff must be aware of their responsibilities in this regard.
Schools …show more content…
Family Support worker – usually has contact with families both at the local children’s centre and during home visits. They are often called upon to monitor families when there are concerns about safety, health or welfare.
Voluntary Services and Children’ Charities
National Society for Protection of Children (NSPCC)- is a third-sector charitable organisation and its role is to protect children from harm. It is the only third-sector charity organisation that has the statutory power, along-side the police and children’s social services, to take action when children are at risk of abuse. The NSPCC also:
• Provide services to support families and children
• Provide a helpline for people to call who are worried about a child
• Provide a helpline for children in distress or danger to call
• Raises awareness of abuse, for example. Through advertising and training materials
• Works to influence the law and social policy to protect children