This provides me with the opportunity to establish service user’s individual ability, needs and most importantly preferences in relation to communication needs and develop a plan of action to provide for appropriate support that meets the service user communication needs and methods, in most cases, the professional are involved by way of a referral being made
Shaw has a prescribed form for completing assessments for both new and existing service users where these details are recorded; part of the process of assessment involves observation, questions and recording information on a number of areas including ways and preferences of communication by the service user which supports the process of completing the individual service user person centred plans. All staff working with the service user will acknowledge and respect the service user rights to choice of communication
Any changes to a service user needs are recognised during period reviews and shared with the team during key group meetings, staff handovers and care plan audits to ensure that the individuals needs are met
In so doing, I empower and promote individual rights and freedoms to expression and ensure that my staff team observe them.
My responsibility in communication lies in three folds
a) I am responsible for organisation’s communication within my job role and work place
b) Responsible to resolve conflict mainly arising from communication misconceptions internally for example, any misconceptions about a statement or information; its my responsibility to ensure that the correct information or messaged is passed onto staff, service users and members of the public
c) I am responsible for executive communication; all communication from senior executive is passed to the members of staff, service users and public