Reports frequently refer to gang rape, while beatings and torture accompany most of the reported rapes. Survivors report that some women were taken out alone, and some were taken out in groups (The Commission Final Report, Section F, 1994). The fourth pattern of rape involving individuals or groups committing sexual violence against women for the purpose of terrorizing and humiliating them and their communities as part of the policy of ``ethnic cleansing'' (Final Report, Section F, 1994). Rapes seemed to occur in conjunction with efforts to displace the targeted ethnic group from a region. One victim-witness saw an elderly woman and few other younger women raped in front of a group of 100 detained villagers (The Commission, Final Report, Section F:3, 1994). The Commission found this is certainly in the line with the main intent of the policy of ethnic cleansing to “humiliate, shame, degrade and terrify”, and ultimately cause a group of people to flee or disappear from a certain area (Mazowiecki,
Reports frequently refer to gang rape, while beatings and torture accompany most of the reported rapes. Survivors report that some women were taken out alone, and some were taken out in groups (The Commission Final Report, Section F, 1994). The fourth pattern of rape involving individuals or groups committing sexual violence against women for the purpose of terrorizing and humiliating them and their communities as part of the policy of ``ethnic cleansing'' (Final Report, Section F, 1994). Rapes seemed to occur in conjunction with efforts to displace the targeted ethnic group from a region. One victim-witness saw an elderly woman and few other younger women raped in front of a group of 100 detained villagers (The Commission, Final Report, Section F:3, 1994). The Commission found this is certainly in the line with the main intent of the policy of ethnic cleansing to “humiliate, shame, degrade and terrify”, and ultimately cause a group of people to flee or disappear from a certain area (Mazowiecki,