Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, and includes measures to prevent or minimise the potential for abuse occurring. Protection is considered a statutory responsibility in response to individual cases where risk of harm has been identified…
Therefore, it is Chris’s duty as a teaching assistant to follow the procedures regarding suspected abuse.…
The policies and procedures regarding support for conflicts state that it is the responsibilities of those working with Safeguard Adults to understand the national and local context of safeguarding in protection from abuse. Conflicts in this regard may arise where service users are subjected to abuse in an organisation.…
However, a referral could be still made directly to the local authority safeguarding team if the NHS system is not progressing satisfactorily (DoH, 2010). The DoH document proposes that normal trust policies and procedures for follow-on actions will still apply and should be carried out in partnership with the safeguarding process. Raising an alert involves expressing or passing on a concern (DoH, 2010). However, the safeguarding adults’ procedure involves making internal and external checks and contacts with relevant professionals and agencies in relation to initial risk assessments (Office of the Public Guardian, 2008). The relevant safeguarding team will determine whether Mrs Smith’s case requires an investigation under safeguarding procedures, or it will suggest another alternative way to address the concern.…
1. Leroy may be the victim of neglect as there is evidence that his parents are persistently failing to meet his basic physical and psychological needs and that this is likely to cause impairment to his health and development. HM Government (2006). Maccoby and Martin (1983) assert that a child may suffer neglect if that child’s needs form a low priority within the family unit. In addition to neglect, Leroy may well be the experiencing emotional abuse. Emotional abuse involves the “persistent maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent effect on their emotional development.” HM Government (2006:39). This may include conveying a feeling of worthlessness; being unloved; inappropriate expectations of a child’s ability or level of responsibility, which are out of kilter with that child’s age and stage and being witness to the maltreatment and abuse of others.…
This includes: bullying, threats of harm or abandonment, ignoring, controlling, blaming, intimidation, harassment, coercion, verbal abuse, not giving a client privacy or dignity, isolation or withdrawal from services or support networks. Lack of human contact and inter-action.…
"The history of liberty has largely been the history of observance of procedural safeguards." We agree with this quote because our country is based on the right to have our guaranteed protection of life, liberty and property. Two of the greatest procedural guarantees that insure liberty are the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. According to the Fifth Amendment, a capital crime is punishable by death, while an infamous crime is punishable by death or imprisonment. This amendment guarantees that no one has to stand trial for such a federal crime unless indicted by a grand jury. Further, a person cannot be put in double jeopardy for the same offense by the same government. The amendment also guarantees that a person cannot be forced to testify against himself, and forbids the government from taking a person's…
The Safeguarding Adults’ Policy and Procedure should always be used when there is an allegation or suspicion that a vulnerable adult is being abused or neglected i.e. being caused significant harm by another person or group of people. The Safeguarding Adults’ Policy and Procedure applies to all residents even if they are funding themselves or are being funded by an authority.…
A Safeguarding Policy should be in place and is a statement of intent giving clarity on an organisation’s commitment to keep children safe and how it will respond to concerns. Working together to safeguard children 2013 protects children from maltreatment preventing impairment of a child’s health and development. ensuring that they grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. By law, all state schools must have a behaviour policy in place that includes measures to prevent all forms of bullying including cyber bullying amongst pupils and is decided by the school and communicated to all stakeholders ensuring parents and children have visibility on procedures in place for both. There should be e-safety…
You should be aware and understand the safeguarding arrangements in place in your setting and also need to be aware of the indicators of child abuses. Every child care setting has a policy for dealing with the suspected abuse. If you have any concern then you should not come to any conclusion straight away after that, go first to your manager or designated person and discuss with them. If a child reports in a conversation that they are being abused or neglect, you should listen to them carefully, take their allegations seriously and reassure them that you will do your best to keep them safe. It is important to maintain confidentiality.…
The safeguarding policy was established to benefit the lives of children, young people and their families. To make this conceivable, changes in the quality, availability and consistency of services are needed. This will permit that every child and young person will be capable of meeting their maximum potential and as an when required with support given if necessary. As I couldn't get a safeguarding policy from a setting due being an agency worker and the settings being quite unhelpful.…
b. Sexual abuse: is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another…
Sexual abuse is the involvement of vulnerable adults in sexual activities, which they do not fully comprehend, to which they are unable to give consent, either verbally or by their behaviour, to which they object or which may cause them harm.…
The policy exists to protect individual staff the person who has the complaint and the company. Discretion and confidentiality will be maintained consistent with proper completion of the procedure. If any inappropriate behaviour that is observed needs to be addressed with the individual concerned. If the observer feels unable to speak to the individual they should tell the next level of management without delay. A reason to tell someone in management is any kind of abuse which can be, humiliation, name calling, ridiculing, threatening, physical abuse or shouting at staff. Regardless of your possession staff will be treated with respect and in a fair manner. Failure in observing this policy for any staff will result in disciplinary action being taken against the person(s) involved. Staff who see the abuse and fail to report concerns are in breach of the policy.…
I work within the safeguarding policies and maintain them. My employer is responsible to ensure that all staff receive adequate and appropriate training and guidance to ensure they can recognise and understand signs of abuse and neglect. It is my responsibility to record and report any relevant information when an accident or incident occurs in the workplace, to report any case of bad practice and behaviour that I believe may contribute or lead to abuse.…