0-3 months Physical development:
Some movement skills are mastered
Able to hold a rattle but not with a steady hand
Beome easily startled with unfamilair sounds and actions
Respond to familiar faces and environments by smiling involuntary movements till around 8 weeks
By 3 months the infant can follow their fist and is aware that its part of their body infants can smell,taste,touch and see from birth
0-3 months: social and emotional development: enjoy being touched, cuddled, and smiled at solely depends on others for example mother for needs to be met feels reaasurance when held close recognises mothers voice and turns in response able to make eye contact
0-3 months : intellectual development: cycles through different states of alertness enjoys playing when fully alert cries for feeds and needs nervous system develops further during 2nd and 3rd month therefore sleep patterns change to a regular patern
0-3 months : language development
Babies develop language in three stages, awareness, localization and differntiation. First they become aware by reacting to loud sounds, secondly they try to find out where the sound is coming from and finally they diffrentiate the sound.
Respond to sounds either by smiling or displaying distress. they try to open and close their mouths
References: kidsspot.com.au, larabidachildrenshospital.org, babyworld.co.uk, hubpages.com,raisingchildren.net,greatschools.org,onetoughjob.org,howkidsdevelop.com,livestrong.com,kidshealth.org