Sequence of children’s development is the gaining of skills in all aspects of the child’s life.
There are different types of development, but they are split into five areas; social and emotional, physical, communication/language, intellectual, and moral.
Physical Development (0-3 years)
At this stage its usually very rapid, babies depend on reflexes for movement, but they are visible, sucking, feed, grasping, and rooting.
At the age of one they have more control over their own bodies they starting to roll, crawl, shuffling across the room, pulling and pushing themselves to stand. And they are using their own hands to hold their toys/objects.
Between the age of 1 and 2 years; walking will become more confident, they will pull or …show more content…
Both genders will always be hungry their appetite’s will be great and may sleep quite late than usual also may have sexual desires and fantasies.
Communication Development (0-3 years)
Communication often means words and sentences. But babies let us know what they need and how they feeling; by crying, facial expressions, eye contact, body language, and sounds. At birth-3 months they are familiar with voices turn their heads to sounds what they hear, they are usually be quiet when picked up or be comforted.
At 3-9 months they show excitement by waving their arms and legs, they gain pleasure by looking at books and pictures they cry when upset looking for comfort; snuggling into your shoulders. Also at this age they will smile and laugh they will explore their environment by crawling, and be near people who are significant and special to them.
9-18 months
By 18 months they are able to say their first word like dada, mama, bye-bye etc. They will shout loudly to get someone’s attention and will join in and listen to simple songs, stories, rhymes, and enjoys