Nadia Shepherd
Elizabeth Day 6/6/2013
The seven organizational approaches to study the human body and its system is body planes and body direction, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, body systems and medical specialties. Turley (2011) Stated “Each way approaches the body from specific points of view and provides unique information by dividing or organizing the body in a logical way” (Chapter 2). The body is an amazing machine and when it’s divided and studied a person has the opportunity to experience all of the special aspects that makes the human body function as a single unit.
The human body can first be studied by planes …show more content…
The four quadrants are called the upper left quad, upper right quad, lower left quad, and lower right quad. Turley(2011) stated” The nine regions include the right and left hypochondriac regions, the epigastric region, the right and left lumbar regions, the umbilical region, the right and left inguinal or iliac regions, and the hypogastric region (chapter2). The human body is also examined and studied by its structure and functions, anatomy and physiology. Anatomy is the study of the structure of the body and physiology is the study of the functions of those structures. The body system is made up of various systems. The gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system skeletal and muscular system these are just some of the systems in the human body that help it to run like a well oiled machine. The medical specialties that help to study the human body are anatomy, physiology diseases and conditions, laboratory and diagnostic procedures, medical and surgical procedures, and drugs for that body system. Medical specialties (not body systems) are used to name departments in the hospital and other facilities where medicine is