National Policies on Education
At the time of adoption of Constitution in 1950 the aim was to achieve the goal of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) within the next ten years. The directive principles mentioned in Article 45 endeavored to provide free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of 14 fourteen years.
Kothari Commission (1964-66)
This commission had noted that there had been different structure of elementary education in different states and therefore proposed revised universal nomenclature for various stages of education
National Policy for Education- …show more content…
Another Unique feature of the commission on its conviction that education was most power instrument of the national development.
3. As education remains common quest of mankind it was found profitable to draw upon the educationists and scientist from other countries to take advantage of the latest developments in the educationally advanced countries.
Mid-Day meal Scheme(1994)
Mid-Day meal scheme has long history in India. In 1925 mid-meal programme was introduced disadvantaged children in Madras Municipal Corporation. By the mid-1980s three states, Gujrat, Kerala and Tamil Nadu and the UN territory of Pondicherry had a Universalized cooked Mid-Day Programme with their own resources for child studying at the Primary stage. By 1990-91 the number of states implementing the Mid-Day Programme with their own resources on Universal or large scale increased.
SSA was an efforts to universalize elementary education by community ownership of the school system. It was launched in response to demand for quality basic education all the country. It targeted elementary education to all the children in the age group of 6 to 14 by 2010, and to bridge to social, regional and gender gap, with the active participation of the community in the management of …show more content…
● No child to be held back, expelled or required to pass a board examination until completion of elementary education.
● A child above six year of age who has not been admitted in any school or through admitted and could not complete his or her elementary education, can be admitted in a class appropriate to her or his age.
● Provide further that a child so admitted to elementary education shall be entitled to free education till completion of elementary education even after fourteen years.
Social and Cultural
The society have a less aware about the quality of education and it is like a fashion that majority of the children went to private school for their education. There are no awareness of any policies which are mention above in the policies of education in