For this outcome I will identify current social policy initiatives which relate to my service user. Also how legislation is developed in my workplace and will explain the policy, procedures and provisions of the services. I will describe the processes of my workplace to develop policies and procedures and outline why they use this process. I will also analyse three policies/procedures in my workplace and how they influence service provision.
My placement is working with 20 young boys who are not at mainstream school. All pupils are at S3 and S4 stage of their education and have been referred to my placement as an alterative to mainstream school for various reasons. Here are few of the reasons including being Disruptive and/or violent behaviour in class, Underachievement, Non or poor attendance, School phobia, Disaffection. All pupils have expressed a liking for Technical Subjects and a desire to explore the possibility of a career in the Construction Industry. Some pupils have Additional Support Needs, as well as support for behavioural issues.
These are the purposes of the curriculum:
Ÿ to ensure pupils access their statutory right to a relevant and effective curriculum and maximise the attainment of each young person;
Ÿ to support the general aims of the school, listed above;
Ÿ to ensure that this individualised curriculum is interesting, relevant and varied, to meet the needs of each young person;
Ÿ to exploit the attraction of Technical Subjects and activities to the pupils, as a means of re-focusing and re-engaging them as learners;
Ÿ to fully prepare the pupils for a Construction Industry career and any associated FE study programmes and to ensure each young person reaches their academic and personal potential;
Ÿ provide regular work experience with real tradesmen who are good role models for achieving all of the above purposes and aims.
I have chosen one of the young people from my placement who is a 15 year old boy whom I am