The first branch of the Criminal Justice System is law Enforcement, which is responsible For, enforcing the laws, determining if a crime has occurred, investigate the crime, and press charges, if appropriate. Second, is courts, which must review evidence, determine if the accused is guilty, and decide if the punishment is needed, if so, what type would be appropriate; there are two types of courts: federal and State. The third branch is corrections, which monitors the sentence enforced by the court, incarceration (misdemeanor or Felony), rehabilitation (trying to "cure" the offender). Each branch depends on one another in order to Function For example: law enforcement make’s sure that they arrest those who break the …show more content…
They are all kept aligned together via checks and balances and without these the criminal justice would Fail.
Communication and Collaboration
The police officers would have to collaborate with Chief of Security & the Warden of the prison in which, the offender(s) are being incarcerated in order to get the information he wants to know about an inmate and what that inmate has been up to. IF an offender were under investigation For being involved in whatever the Chief of Security would authorize the release of the information through the Warden and the Classification’s Offices. When investigating a burglary case, a Corrections Officer does not conduct the investigation because the Corrections Officer works at the prison, guards the inmates, and makes sure they uphold the rules of the prison. The probation officer as well does not conduct an investigation because they make sure ex-cons check in from time to time, do