Having school all year round would be really difficult because when you take breaks off of school for about two weeks pretty frequently could mess up your brain in a way because when the students are on those breaks,they tend to shut down, and when they’re on those breaks they can forget what they learned in the previous week before.
The students “A real plus not practical with a year-round schedule is students can use traditional summer breaks to gain work experience, to take specialized courses or remedial tutoring, to learn swimming, practice music, study the arts or just for family time and vacations, all of which shape a student's character.” (Jensen) Instead of extending the school year, educators should concentrate more on improving the quality of time now being spent in school.
(Anonymous) Having a full 12 month school year could also cause a lot of stress on not only the students, but the teachers too. Students can burn out very easily and when they do, their brain tends to stop retaining that information the student should be learning. Teachers also long for summer break because they also burn out as well. It frustrates them because the students are losing their concentration and not doing as well as they should, so they get stressed out more impatient. Although a whole year of school doesn’t sound appealing, it could benefit your learning in some ways and has some advantages. With most schools they’ll have six weeks of school then have a break for two weeks or for example, winter and spring breaks are both two or three weeks and you’ll get the amount of time off like you do in summer, but just spread out in the period of a whole year, unfortunately. It can benefit your learning because you’d be at school for a longer time, but on the other hand it could also mess up your learning too. But you’ll get to use your school time more effectively and not have to stress about finals or major tests that are towards the end of the school year.