interact more with our peers which would distract us for doing our work. Then you people that fall in sleep in class, not just because it’s boring but they actually don’t get enough rest for the next day because they have a lot of homework and not enough time to get it all done because they have to get up early the next day. After a while students would start falling behind because they’re not getting enough of their homework done.
Especially when you participate in extra-curricular activities. The majority of the schools in the United States operate on a 10 month schedule. This was first established when America was still an agrarian country. Studies have been inconclusive to its academic benefits. Taking breaks throughout the year sounds cool and everything, but I could affect students’ retention rates. If they were to change the traditional school schedule, it would be a lot of confusion especially for parents that have to worry about getting their child to school. It would also cost our country a lot of money to switch the traditional school schedule. By eliminating summer break, students would not be able to experience the joy and freedom of the summer and the special time that would usually be spent with family and friends. Then when everyone goes back to school, they reunite with their friends from the last year or meet new people. If you take away a student's ability to have a vacation you increase the risk of
burn-out. Without vacation time you take away a child's time to be with their family, to go on vacation, to learn trades outside of school, and to just be a child. For high school students the summer break is the best time of the year, why would you want to take that away from us? That’s a time for us to get ourselves mentally and spiritually ready for the next school year. Especially if you are of age to work. Most teens, during their summer break try to find summer jobs , whether it’s for personal reasons like helping out at home and basically saving up for college. I am not the only person that feels like the traditional school schedule should stay as it is. Not only on behalf of the students but the teachers would be stressed out trying plan lessons for class, grading papers, giving students the extra help they need (if offered), and staying after school for staff meeting. Having to do that every day for a teacher would seem impossible. This is how I feel about the year-round school and traditional school schedule debate.