When most student are asked about year-round school they think it means giving up their summer, but that’s not exactly right. Year-round school doesn’t necessarily mean giving up summer vacation. There are variety of calendars school districts follow. The current school year is based on an outdated agricultural model, when families need to use their children to help them with a harvest. Most families aren’t like that anymore. It’s time to update the school calendar to reflect modern society. Year-round schooling calendar would be beneficial to students.
Students with year-round schooling get more frequent breaks. The most common way of year-round schooling is going to school for 45 days and then take a 15-day break. This shows that the year-round calendar would give students more breaks throughout the year. This also shows that students won’t …show more content…
Summer breaks can cause “summer slide” which is the decline of academic skills and knowledge over a long vacation. This shows that going to year-round school won’t make you forget over a long vacation. This also shows that if you don’t forget over a long vacation that you can improve your academic skills since you don’t have long breaks. All in all year-round schooling can improve a student’s skills and knowledge.
Year round schooling has a lot of advantages but there are some disadvantages. Year-round schooling leads to less family time because you would spend most of your time at school. Even though year-round schooling leads to less family time you could spend time with your family during the 15-day break.
Year-round schooling is considerable since you won’t get “summer slide”, you would get more frequent breaks, and you could travel with your family during the break. Year-round schooling gets more frequent breaks. You could improve your overall academic