Explain Why Was Shihangdi So Unpopular
Why was Shihangdi so unpopular? He was so unpopular because he would kill the people that spoke meanly about him. The reason that that is so bad that he did that was because he was burning them and making them suffer badly. Also he was burning all the books that spoke badly of him to. And not letting them teach other religion but his own that he wanted and he also had his mother killed and is grandson killed to so that they could not plane the rest of his extinction. So they could have the crown and have less of the rules that kept the people from having their own religions and their own thoughts and less rules to their property. If they did not pay their taxes they would take them as slaves and make them work all day and no brakes in that
hot sun and if they did not do it they would kill then or punish them by whipping them on their with a whip that hade rocks in it with leather.