forms every Tuesday and Thursday, so we have two chances to figure out our points of confusion. Subsequently, we have an advisory period dedicated to allowing students’ homework time during their time of academic studies. Throughout our daily advisory periods, we are given time for different tasks to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of time for each field. Second, as explained, we are not only provided with help during school, but we also have, the most dedicated, teachers staying before and after school to assist the disorientation of those in need.
They take time out of their confidential, independent lives to assist us. If a student is given homework that is not fully intelligible they are able to attend before and/or after-school tutorials for reinforcement on the subject. The school also provides transportation that helps the students get home if they don’t have a way to get back after tutorials. Along with homework help, tutorials are also a time to ask questions about tests, whether it is upcoming or former to provide a better outcome in the future. Teachers attempt to allocate the environment of understanding and cooperation. This environment allows students to feel non-hypocritical, which makes guidance much more simple for them to
learn. As you can assume, many of the students have after-school activities to attend when school hours are over; for example, sports, church activities, and family time. This, along with all school work, causes 82% of all students to become sleep deprived. Due to this exhaustion, many students do not make it into tutorials; therefore, rely on other students for support. As a result of this, many students help tutor other students without the consent of the teachers. This provides a close association between all of the students, which helps develop social skills. On another note, stress increases the probability of depression and suicide by 73%, this is due to the isolation. Isolation kills more students than obesity does. With the lack of time at home, most students, they have to arrogate their homework into school time. Generally, there is a separation between school and family time, but in most cases, nowadays, that is circumstantial. If that happens then the student might not do a good job on their assignments. Hence, stress maximizes sucking out the needed time of relaxation. The average student gets 1-2 hours of relaxation a week, but the needed amount is 4-5 hours. In conclusion, an additional hour of instructional time is not a necessity. This is because we can help each other. 90% of students have shown better grades when being taught by a peer rather than by an actual teacher. This is because, of the intimate connection found between people our own age. Along with the reasons, we have found that 50% of our students have a liveliness to attend directly after school.