Taking extra time out of the school day for “free time”, can be seen as a waste of time. The additional time given to students may not be used in effective ways. This is in agreement with Perspective Two which claims that giving students a “genius hour” is a waste of time because not everyone will use the time well. For example, some students do not use their time wisely in study halls. However, more often than not, students want to be productive so they will not have as much work to do at home. This ties in with the idea in Perspective Three, which argues that giving students extra free time during the day is a waste of tax dollars, and that …show more content…
For example, companies like Google have implemented genius hour into the work day, and even though some employees choose not to use the time wisely, others do. The company stated that some of their best ideas have come out of this time. In my experience, the average child is just as creative, if not more innovative that the average adult. Therefore, a genius hour would be beneficial time for students who wish to use this time creatively. For some students, this time could be used in other ways such as eating a snack, or taking a nap, among other things that would benefit their mental or physical health at school. Implementing genius hour would be more expensive to taxpayers, they pay the same amount no matter what students do during the day. If genius hour is included in the school day, students have more time to take care of themselves or to complete work during the