Below is a free essay on "Explaining Hypertension and Diabetes" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples.
Explaining hypertension to a 63 year old man who completed 8th grade education and has just being diagnosed with hypertension.
- Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when the force of your blood against the arteries in your body becomes too high. When your blood pressure is too high, your heart has to work extra hard.
- When the blood pressure is high the feedback system cannot maintain homeostasis because the heart is sending signals to the brain that it needs more oxygen, therefor the heart beats faster and harder to get the extra …show more content…
Can also cause damage to the arteries causing aneurysm, damage to your heart overtime causing heart failure, damage to your brain possibly causing dementia, stroke and mild cognitive impartment. Can also cause damage to your kidneys provoking kidney scarring, kidney failure, and kidney artery aneurysm. blood pressure
- step by step guide to better health booklet on high blood pressure.
Explain diabetes to a 13 year old middle school honor student who has just been diagnosed with diabetes.
Diabetes is the failing of your body to properly use the energy you get from all the food you eat. Every human body makes a certain amount of insulin which assist your body to change food into energy. When someone has diabetes the body does not make enough insulin, produce insulin at all, or does not use it properly. When this happens the body has to work extra hard to try to maintain well balance levels of your blood sugar, this causes stress in all of your cell which requires extra oxygen to work which unable the body to maintain homeostasis. Not maintaining homeostatic balance affects other organs such as your eyes ( because blood vessels get