What are extenuating circumstances?
You can apply for “Extenuating Circumstances if there have been serious and exceptional factors outside your control which have adversely affected your studies. These factors may have prevented you from attending exams or other assessments or caused you to miss assessment deadline dates. Examples are illness, accidents or serious family problems. Everyday occurrences such as colds or existing conditions such as Hay Fever will not qualify unless the effects are unusually severe. You are advised to read the complete extenuating circumstances guidance notes.
How do I apply?
You can apply for extenuating circumstances in two ways. Either through myUCLan (the online submission system) or by collecting an extenuating circumstances envelope from the ‘i’, the Student Union Advice Centre or your School Office. Extenuating Circumstances will only be considered if there is evidence to support them and they are submitted within the published deadlines.
How do I use myUCLan (the online system)?
The online process is very simple to use, but if you have any difficulties or questions, please do not hesitate to go to the ‘i’ or your School Office, who will be happy to walk through the process with you.
You can…
Access the new online system
Add a new extenuating circumstances submission
Amend an extenuating circumstances submission
Upload supporting documents e.g. sick notes
Delete an extenuating circumstances submission
Check on progress (to see what decision was agreed by the Assessment Board)
Access the new myUCLan Extenuating Circumstances pages
1. Click on this link to myUCLan (you can also access it through the university’s web page https://my.uclan.ac.uk/BANP/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin
3. Click on the ‘Student Services’ tab. If you have more than one programme of study, select the correct one by clicking on the ‘select programme