The Assessor is responsible for assessing the NVQ. The assessor works with the candidate in the following ways:
Inducting the candidate into the NVQ and explaining what needs to be done
Identifying any additional requirements
Setting and modifying learning targets
Planning assessments
Undertaking a range of assessment activities
Providing constructive feedback to the candidate concerning his or her competence and progress
Recording assessments
Reviewing progress
Ensuring that the candidate has submitted enough evidence to allow internal verfication to be carried out effectively
Maintaining their own technical and vocational competencies in the areas which they are assessing
Contributing to the quality assurance …show more content…
The assessor will have suitable and reliable experience and be trained and qualified as an NVQ assessor. The criteria for appointing assessors are set out in the section assessor and internal verifier requirements. An assessor may be a candidate’s line manager, a tutor at college, or someone specially appointed to this role. Assessments may also be carried out by a team of assessors.
The roles of trainer and assessor are inextricably linked and may be carried out by the same person, however, training activities must be clearly separated from assessment and only assessed evidence of competence should be presented as evidence towards the NVQ. The roles of assessor and trainer must be separate and preferably, where an individual has advised on a candidate’s development they should not be that candidate’s only assessor.
All assessors must:
• be occupationally competent. This means being actively engaged in relevant work-based activities. Each assessor must be competent in the functions covered by the units they are assessing, to the standard described within them and according to current sector practice. They must be able to interpret and make judgements