i) The nature of the market and demand
- have knowledge about the relationship between market and demand
Types of market a) Perfect competition
- one in which every firm is to small to affect the mark price
- many buyers & sellers
- homogeneous product
- free entry and exit
- perfect knowledge of price cost ( no control over price)
- perfect price elastic
b) Monopolistic competition
-many buyers & sellers
-differentiated products which are close substitute
- Free entry but firms only can product close substitutes
-Some control over price
-less perfect price elastic
c) Monopoly
-single firm
-perfect differentiated product without close substitute
-strong barrier to entry
-control over price
-price inelastic
ii) Elasticity of demand
i) http://www.studylecturenotes.com/management-sciences/marketing/92-pricing-product-external-and-internal-factors-affecting-price-decision ii) http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/principles-of-marketing-v1.0/section_18_02.html iii) http://www.knowthis.com/principles-of-marketing-tutorials/pricing-decisions/external-factors-elasticity-of-demand/ iv)