I would not have been able to enjoy nearly the amount of academic success I have experienced were it not for the work of my parents, and the many educators who supported me along the way. It is because of them I started college at 16. My cultural upbringing gave me a love for hard work, and the motivation to always strive for more than my grandparents could have hoped to achieve. It is impossible to undervalue the effect these factors have had on me. They have, in no small part, made me who I am
I would not have been able to enjoy nearly the amount of academic success I have experienced were it not for the work of my parents, and the many educators who supported me along the way. It is because of them I started college at 16. My cultural upbringing gave me a love for hard work, and the motivation to always strive for more than my grandparents could have hoped to achieve. It is impossible to undervalue the effect these factors have had on me. They have, in no small part, made me who I am