Essay about the purposes and principles of the early years framework.
The legal regulations under section 39 of the childcare act 2006 gives the early years foundation stage (EYFS) , that came into force in Sept. 2008 and providers are required to use the EYFS to ensure a flexible approach to children’s learning and development so that children will achieve the five every child matters outcomes which are : * Staying safe * Being healthy * Enjoying and achieving * Making a positive contribution * Achieving economic well- being
In 2012 the EYFS was revised and made simpler and came into force on 1st sept, it made a number of changes and one of these was to make a stronger emphasis on the 3 prime areas which are the most important to a child’s healthy development these areas are: * Communication and language development * Physical and personal development * Social and emotional development
The statutory framework for the EYFS give clear legal requirements to relate to learning and development and also relating to safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare, suitable people i.e. keyworkers, suitable premises, environment and equipment and organisation and documentation.
The learning and development requirements have legal force by EYFS order 2007 from section 39(1) (a) of the childcare act 2006. The welfare requirements are given legal force by section 39(1) (b) of childcare act 2006. Together they form the legal basis of the EYFS and have statutory virtue of section 44(1) of the childcare act 2006.
Practice guidance for the early year’s foundation stage gives practitioners guidance on how to meet the necessary requirements to the EYFS framework. It provides advice and information on how to support children’s learning and development and welfare. Also you can get guidance for children’s development in a section called development matters and this gives help and information to help practitioners to understand and support