There are six areas of learning in the EYFS, these are;
Knowledge and understanding of the world - Knowledge and Understanding of the World relates to children’s everyday lives, their homes, families, other people, the local environment and community and the wider world.
Personal, social and emotional development - The social and emotional development of a child helps practitioners/parents understand the behaviors they exhibit. Though children develop and mature at different rates, social and emotional development generally occurs in predictable stages.
Communication language and literacy - Children's learning and competence in communicating, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write must be supported and extended. They must be provided with opportunity and encouragement to use their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes, and be supported in developing the confidence and dispositions to do so.
Problem solving reasoning and numeracy - This area mostly focuses on a child’s ability to solve simple problems and builds an awareness of shapes space and measures. Practitioners do this by looking at shapes, numbers, building bricks etc.
Physical Development - Children are encouraged to take part in a variety of physical activities. Children develop physically at different stages and times. This area helps practitioners to keep track of each individual child’s development.
Creative development - Being creative covers a multitude of ideas including how children express and communicate ideas. They can explore all sorts of media (eg ICT, music) and materials. They will also develop their imagination through play.
Although they are all different a good planned activity will cover more than one area of development. For example, playing a snakes and ladders board game will help a child with their Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy mainly but it will also help them with their Communication, language and