
FFA Personal Statement

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My high school years have been jam packed with many life lesson experiences. They range from beauty pageants to TARC rocketry nationals in Washington, DC to Cheerleading to Track to FBLA to FFA . One organization has stood out to me the most. I have found that my participation in the FFA program has helped me grow and become the person I am today. FFA. When some people hear those three letters they might think what does that mean or that’s just a bunch of rednecks getting together to talk about their cows, but when I hear those words I think of leadership, responsibility and success. I was given the opportunity to serve as the chapter historian my sophomore year. Without ever getting to serve as an officer, my eyes would have never been open to all the amazing aspects of agriculture. This lead me to meet different politicians, other agriculture students from all over the United States, and other important people in the field. This one small event opened a door that I would have never thought could be opened. …show more content…

Some of the things I learned were how to balance a checkbook, how to run a business, and how to budget my time and finances. Along with those real life skills a learned some metaphoric skills as well. I learned that you can’t just plant a seed and it will grow. To start with, you have to have a good foundation, which is the right type of soil. This all applies to life; you have to start with a good foundation if you want to succeed in life. Secondly, you must pick the right seed depending on what you would like to harvest. In life, you choose the right friends (or seeds) to develop a productive crop. Third, you have to know when is the right time to harvest the crop. This is the same in life when you chose the career that is best to you and when you want to pursue it. All of this comes from my experience with

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