What impact have you had on your parish church??
From a young age I have always been influenced to explore Christianity. I was baptised as a baby in St Aloysius Church and from there attended Church almost weekly until the age of five or six. Then I was asked whether I would like to make my Holy Communion and for the first time I wasn’t influenced by my family to say yes. It was my decision. I decided that I wanted to explore Christianity more before committing myself to a religion. I wanted to make sure that I could uphold every promise I would make to God. Much like I am sure I can uphold every promise I make to the school which is why I am applying for a place on the senior leadership team.
Now in life I have come to the conclusion that I am still interested in exploring all aspects of Christianity and religion in general before making a complete decision about my religion. However at the moment I see Bishop Hedley as my parish church. Our school is a place of worship, it …show more content…
For our Lent challenge as a form in Year 8 we organised a band and barbeque evening to raise money for a children’s cancer charity called “Clic”. In total over three hundred pound was raised in one evening and throughout the school our form has carried the same charity with us, at the end of Year 11 we hope to have raised over five hundred pound to give to them. I worked well in a team during this evening, I took an active role in organizing the food, drinks, decorations and raffle. I researched prices of the food to find out the cheapest food at the highest standard and I made many decorations by hand as well as using my communication skills to speak on the night to complete the raffle. By raising money for charities we show the giving qualities of the church and by working together to reach a goal we show family/community qualities.
2. What activities have you performed which could contribute to the