My family and I participate in sponsoring a family for Christmas each year. We go to the Social Apostolate or Interfaith Hospitality and buy gifts for a family in need. During this process, the family writes letters telling us about their lives, needs, and wants. Honestly, doing this is my favorite part about Christmas. Jesus wants us to help those in need and I believe by doing this we are doing what He wants. Another admirable trait for Honor Society members is citizenship. I firmly believe in equality and that everyone is a child of God. If I ever see anyone being mistreated, I immediately take action to go stop the mistreatment. My family and I are involved with the Social Apostolate and Interfaith Hospitality who promote passion and equality of all citizens. Freedom is very important to me because I am grateful to be in a country where we are free to practice our faith. It truly is an honor to be invited to apply to the National Junior Honor Society. I feel I am uniquely qualified based upon my strong character, citizenship, leadership, and service. If I am accepted, I am committed to making our school’s chapter the best it can be. I will work tirelessly to make a meaningful and positive impact on our school, church, and
My family and I participate in sponsoring a family for Christmas each year. We go to the Social Apostolate or Interfaith Hospitality and buy gifts for a family in need. During this process, the family writes letters telling us about their lives, needs, and wants. Honestly, doing this is my favorite part about Christmas. Jesus wants us to help those in need and I believe by doing this we are doing what He wants. Another admirable trait for Honor Society members is citizenship. I firmly believe in equality and that everyone is a child of God. If I ever see anyone being mistreated, I immediately take action to go stop the mistreatment. My family and I are involved with the Social Apostolate and Interfaith Hospitality who promote passion and equality of all citizens. Freedom is very important to me because I am grateful to be in a country where we are free to practice our faith. It truly is an honor to be invited to apply to the National Junior Honor Society. I feel I am uniquely qualified based upon my strong character, citizenship, leadership, and service. If I am accepted, I am committed to making our school’s chapter the best it can be. I will work tirelessly to make a meaningful and positive impact on our school, church, and