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Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a Japanese science fiction anime television series that originally aired on Nagoya Broadcasting Network between March 2, 1985 and February 22, 1986. Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam featured many new characters and several returning characters from the earlier Mobile Suit Gundam anime television series.
1 Protagonists1.1 AEUG1.2 Karaba2 Antagonists2.1 Titans2.2 Axis3 Others4 ReferencesProtagonists[edit]
Kamille Bidan (カミーユ・ビダン Kamīyu Bidan HYPERLINK "" \o "Help:Installing Japanese character sets" ?)
See also: List of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ characters § Kamille BidanThe main protagonist of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Kamille Bidan is a troubled teen who has become estranged from his parents, both mobile suit developers. A scuffle with Titans officer Jerid Messa over his female-sounding name begins a series of events that eventually results in Kamille helping Quattro Bajeena to steal the Gundam Mk-II prototypes and the deaths of both of his parents. Under the tutelage of Quattro and former Titans officer Emma Sheen, Kamille later became one of AEUG 's top pilots during the Gryps Conflict—first using the stolen Gundam Mk-II and later in his personally designed Zeta Gundam. Over the course of the series, Kamille 's rivalry with Jerid intensifies as both end up killing friends and loved ones of the other. One such example is the cyber-Newtype Four Murasame, whom Kamille met while in Hong Kong and fell in love with. When the two reunite at the Battle of Kilimanjaro, Four is killed by Jerid while attempting to save Kamille 's life. Although Kamille survives the Gryps Conflict, the battle with Paptimus Scirocco leaves him in a near comatose state. Tomino said it was Kamille who had the strongest newtype ability.
Kamille, along with five other notable mecha and pilots from
References: Jump up^ Interview text in JapaneseJump up^ "第8回アニメグランプリ [1986年6月号]". Animage. Retrieved December 17, 2013.