Ming-Hsuan Yang
University of California, Merced, CA 95344 mhyang@ucmerced.edu Synonyms
Detecting faces
Face detection is concerned with finding whether or not there are any faces in a given image (usually in gray scale) and, if present, return the image location and content of each face. This is the first step of any fully automatic system that analyzes the information contained in faces (e.g., identity, gender, expression, age, race and pose). While earlier work dealt mainly with upright frontal faces, several systems have been developed that are able to detect faces fairly accurately with in-plane or out-of-plane rotations in real time. Although a face detection module is typically designed to deal with single images, its performance can be further improved if video stream is available.
Main Body Text
The advances of computing technology has facilitated the development of real-time vision modules that interact with humans in recent years. Examples abound, particularly in biometrics and human computer interaction as the information contained in faces needs to be analyzed for systems to react accordingly. For biometric systems that use faces as non-intrusive input modules, it is imperative to locate faces in a scene before any recognition algorithm can be applied. An intelligent visionbased user interface should be able to tell the attention focus of the user (i.e., where the user is looking at) in order to respond accordingly. To detect facial features accurately for applications such as digital cosmetics, faces need to be located and registered first to facilitate further processing. It is evident that face detection plays an important and critical role for the success of any face processing systems.
The face detection problem is challenging as it needs to account for all possible appearance variation caused by change in illumination, facial features, occlusions, etc. In addition, it has to detect
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