The purpose of this paper is to explain the processes associated with face recognition, identification and classification, the role of encoding and retrieval processes involved with long-term memory and how it affects face recognition, and identify two possible errors that can occur with face recognition. Face perception is multifaceted, individuals are capable of gathering a continuous stream of social information, ranging from verbal and nonverbal communication. For humans, faces are the most significant for visual stimuli, a fact that becomes apparent in social settings—as a species we are constantly, almost obsessively, monitoring each other's faces, paying close attention to subtle details that can give some insight into the emotional state, level of engagement, or object of attention of our associates. Fluency with faces offers great social advantages, allowing one to glean aspects of another's internal thought processes and to predict their behavior. (Leopold, 2010).
Explain the processes associated with face recognition, identification, and classification
Concept generally refer to the abstract notion of what that category represents in one’s mind.((Robinson-Riegler, 2008). The recognition of individual faces is in some ways the pinnacle of human visual performance. Because all faces have the same basic configural appearance (for example: two eyes above a nose and mouth, sometimes called the first-order configuration), individuals must be identified by subtle deviations from this prototypic pattern, sometimes referred to as second-order relational information or configuration . To process facial identification an individual depend on the process of first-order relational information, the information about the parts of an object and how those parts relate to one another. For face recognition, this would involve an analysis of the person’s facial features and the relationship among those features.