So what makes a website worthy of being called a “social network”? What are the criteria? First off, a social network is basically an online profile that allows you to connect with your friends and family. You can share pictures, videos, music, and personal information about yourself and your life/activities with others on that network. A social network has its own criteria. Not only does it have to be quite popular, but it has to be easily obtainable to find friends and family whom you’d like to keep in touch with via internet. This is what they are all about. Why else would they be created? Social networks are a way of keeping in touch and keeping others updated on you and what you are doing. Eventually, they can become a part of your daily life. For example, after many people get off work or out of school, they check their notifications or important messages or updates they receive from that social network. This gives people a way to keep up with what’s going on with others and let others know what is going on with them. And this happens on
Cited: 1. Zuckerberg, Mark. “About.” Facebook. March 4, 2012. Web. February 4, 2004. 2. Zuckerberg, Mark. “Company Overview.” Facebook. March 4, 2012. Web. February 4, 2012.