Some facial expressions are similar where ever we are in the world. Human faces communicate happiness, sadness, anger and fear.
The overall appearance of the face offer information about age, sex, race, ethnicity, and even status. Cleanliness, facial hare, use, over use or absence of make up all provide even more information.
Expressions can fall into two groups: intentional, unintentional and within them a subgroup of micro-expressions.
Micro expressions are facial markers displayed as momentary expressions that cause changes in the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks, nose, lips, and chin, such as raising the eyebrows, wrinkling the brow, curling the lip. They are often fleeting.
Most facial expressions are readily visible, Both types can positively or negatively reinforce the spoken word and convey cues concerning emotions and attitude.
Next to the words we use, our face is the primary source we use to determine an individuals internal feelings or intent.
Facial Expression
There six main types of facial expressions are found in all cultures:
Happiness- round eyes, smiles, raised cheeks
Disgust- wrinkled nose, lowered eyelids and eyebrow, raised upper lip
Fear- around eyes, open mouth
Angry- lower eyebrow and stare intensely.
Surprise-raised eyebrow, wide open eyes, open mouth
Sadness- Area around mouth and eyes
Communicating Implications
Persuasive communicators exhibit more animated facial expressions, more gestures to emphasize their points, and nod their heads more. Eye contact can indicate interest, attention, and involvement. Studies have found that people use their eyes to indicate their interest and with more than the frequently recognized actions