The acuity of one basic taste can be affected by another. For example, sourness or saltiness is reduces by adding sugar. Or adding a starch binder reduces the acidic, salty or bitter taste sauces. The temperature of the food also affects the taste buds, saltiness is more pronounced if the soup is warm and not piping hot. The use of seasonings (spices, herbs and condiments) other than salt and sugars, modified the taste of food. Our taste buds degenerate. In old age, the acuity of taste is lessened. Burning your tongue and some illnesses dullen the sense of taste. Some drugs of medicine taken by mouth may alter the taste buds. …show more content…
The purpose of the study was to determine food preferences of men and women by sensory evaluation versus questionnaire. Moreover, with increasing age, decreased sensory acuity to tastes and to aromas may affect food preferences. Also, for certain foods are acquired with age and older people prefer meals whereas younger people in sensory acuity may affect food preferences, in as much as women are more sensitive than men to sweet and salty tastes and