A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education
In Partial Fulfillment
Of The Degree
Requirement of the
Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
English Major
Submitted to: Dr. Paraluman Veloz
Submitted by: Cabarrubias, Mary Joy Dela Cruz, Nesty Marie Gravador, Erlene Hugno, Andrea
Table of contents
Chapter I – Problem and its Background Introduction Statement of the problem Significant of the study Scope and limitations Conceptual framework Theoretical framework Statement of hypothesis Definition of terms Chapter II – Review of related Literature and Studies Related Literature Local Foreign Chapter III – Research and Methodology Research Design Respondents of the study Sample and Sampling technique Statistical Tool
The researchers wish to express their sincerest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the following person who made this study possible: To The Greatest Master Teacher, praises to HIM, for approving wisdom, courage, and tenacity to complete this work, for without HIM, this could not have been accomplished. Dr. Paraluman Veloz, our professor, for her advisorship. To our friends, classmates, professors, and parents who gave their assistance to us.
Chapter l
Background of study This chapter includes an introduction, statement of the problem, significant of the study, scope and limitation and statement of hypothesis.