A dissertation submitted to St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce.
Name: Urvashi Suraiya Semester: VI Room Number: 32 Roll Number: 1006
Declaration 4
Acknowledgements 5
Abstract 6
1. Introduction 7
2. Methodology 9
3. Literature Survey 10
4. Flat Glass Manufacturing:
a. The history of glass 11
b. The production process and its dynamics 12
5. Factors affecting Flat Glass Manufacturing Locations
a. Availability of raw material 16
b. Demand 19
c. Costs 27
d. Competition 31
6. Case Studies of Leading Flat Glass Manufacturers
a. Pilkington 34
b. Asahi Glass Company 38
c. Saint-Gobain Glass 44
7. The Flat Glass Industry In Malaysia 48
8. Viability of manufacturing facilities. 51
9. Conclusion 54
10. Limitations 55
Appendices 56
Bibliography 60
I declare the following: The material contained in this term paper is the end result of my own work and that due acknowledgement has been given in the bibliography and reference to all sources be they printed / electronic / personal. The Word count of this paper is 12184 words.
That unless this term paper has been confirmed as confidential, I agree to an electronic copy, or section of the dissertation, to be placed on e-learning portal, if deemed appropriate, to allow future students, to see examples of past dissertation. I understand that if displayed on the e-learning portal, it would be available no longer, then five years and that student would be able to print off copies or download. The authorship would remain anonymous.
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Bibliography: BARKER, TC. An age of glass. 1994. Batch, the latest news in raw materials, Asian Glass, December January,2009, page 47,49. Historical Financials, Corning Website. Available at http://investor.shareholder.com/corning/historical_financials.cfm Donovan and Bonney, 2006 JAGER-WALDAU, A LYONS, MARK, (2008). Pilkington Commercial Handbook.. OHMAE, K P. D. Sarkisov , L. D. Konovalova, N. Yu. Mikhailenko and E. G. Vinokurov, Glass production in russia — analysis and forecast , Volume 64, Numbers 11-12 / November, 2007 Pilkington and the Flat glass industry 2007 TUSHMAN, M AND ANDERSON, P., 1990. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35 : 604-633.