Change Management in Coca-Cola Corporation
Change is significant, prolonged and disruptive In this attribute, change in an organization includes venturing into new areas of business, such as entering new products in the new market, facing an unexpected event such as economic crisis and redirection of the company.
Change is a continuous process of alignment According to (), an aligned organisation must have a continuous synchronization of the important management levers such as strategy, operation, culture and reward. Moreover, discussed that in these management levers, the managers, chief executive officers and supervisors are responsible for manipulating and rearranging both the human and non-human elements. In addition, discussed that change is an important aspect in the business world especially in technology and innovation, from simple technologies and procedures up to more complex operating environments, nowadays technologies and products are coming together to achieve a common conclusion or objective. Organisations that resist changes will inevitably face wider exposure to risks and losses. There are a number of situations in which change is necessary within the organisation such as technological advancement that is being utilised by different companies in order to cope up with the competition. Aside from what was mentioned earlier, there are still many issues and concerns that are necessary for change in the organisation, however the most substantial thing is that organisations acknowledge that changes happen constantly for different reasons and the management must address these changes as soon as possible to prevent great losses. Why an organisation does undergo changes? What are the factors and reasons for undertaking it? According to MacCalman and Parton the most influential factor in changes in organisations is the external