By Lester Garcia and Joselle Segismundo of Dela Salle Lipa
Abstract: * There are factors that influence a student in choosing a communication program. * There is a dilemma on which course to take. A bright future is considered. * Student’s age, gender, income, hobbies and interests are considered.
Introduction * DLSU Lipa has been offering AB Communication since 2002 like Broadcasting, Journalism, PR, Film, etc.
This study aims to: * Know the demographic profile of respondents * Factors that influence the first year respondents * Their expectations
RRL * Reynolds (personal interest) * Baumerster (values) * Taylor (gender differences)
Theoretical framework
Human action approach model
Conceptual Framework
Man: student -> Choice B: AB Comm. ->Enroll in AB Comm. -> Working in comm. related field
Methodology * Descriptive method * 51 respondents (2 sections) * 1st year AB comm. students (2010-2011) * Survey questionnaire conducted in classroom
Discussion of Data * The comm. course is female dominated. 80.39% of respondents are female. * 29.41% 17 years old * 100,000-300,000php annual income * Hobbies: 62.75% editing pictures, 58.82% watching news, 52.915 watching mainstream TV and film * 45% have good English skills, 39.22% skilled in lay-outing, 37.25% good writing skills * Want to be: 1. Layout designer 2. Writers 3. Photographers
Summary * Course choice is influenced by many factors like personal interest, abilities, educational background, future employment and future plans
Conclusion * The industry is dominated by women * Their first years are fit to the course because they have background.
Recommendation: * Entice men to enroll in AB Comm. * Students should assess themselves * Institution should offer career orientation * There