
Failure Of Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Failure Of Animal Farm By George Orwell
The novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, describes the failed system of communism among the animals. Mr Jones, the owner of the farm, did not take proper care of the animals and came back late at night without a care in the world for them. The animals on the farm decide that a rebellion was needed so they could have the freedom to live their own lives. As the story progresses, the animals original leader dies, and a pig named Napoleon takes the place. The animals on the farm put together seven important commandments and Napoleon brakes all of them. All animals except the pigs, are forced to endure cruelty and hardship. The farm fails because the Seven Commandments are violated and Napoleon and the pigs become too power hungry. Although several animals could be at fault for the failure of Animal Farm, there is only one particular group to blame, the pigs. …show more content…
From the very beginning, Napoleon broke the commandment that stated, “All animals are equal” (25). For example, He had all the milk and apples set aside for the pigs. Squealer stated, “Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proven by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig” (36). The pigs always get their way and they only do things that benefit themselves. They use propaganda throughout the whole story to control the animals and make them believe that whatever the pigs say, is true. This is one of the many reasons for the failure of Animal

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