What is Faith? When I think of Faith the first thing that comes to mind is people always say if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain. That story confused me for a long time because when you read it Jesus chastises the disciples for having little faith and then turns around and tells them that if you have the faith of a mustard seed you could move a mountain. But then I had a revelation that I want to share with you today to help you on this journey we call life. When Jesus is talking about mustard seed faith he is not talking about the quantity of our faith but the quality of our faith. Let’s go back to Matthew 13 when Jesus tells the parable comparing heaven to a grain of mustard seed and how it grows to become a tree to hold the birds of the air. Our faith is supposed to grow just like that. The more we go thru in this life, the more that we see God move and blow our minds, the more our mustard seed faith should grow to become mustard tree faith.
How do we get from mustard seed faith to mustard tree faith? The first thing we must do is learn to trust God as our coach. In sports you look to the coach to guide and you trust in his experience to get you thru the game. The Bible says in ECC 1:9 there is nothing new under the sun. That means God has seen it all. He invented it all so why not trust in his experience? What makes him better than a coach is that a coach is using what has happened in the past to anticipate the future whereas God has already seen the future and promised you the victory.
Psalms 119 tells us that we are blessed in following his way and seeking him with our whole heart. How do we follow his way? We must take the time to study God’s word so we can understand his instructions and apply them to our everyday life. If we never pick up the word of God, how do we understand the promises he has made to us? God gives us specific instructions on how to live so that we can have all the things He has promised us.