Submitted By: Rubina Rimal
Submitted To: Mr. Subin Shrestha
Date: 09/03/2013
Q. Find out scope u can see being a sales person as your career?
Selling is one of the careers that we choose after our studies. Besides selling there are many options that that we have for careers. Careers depend upon the people’s educational background, interest, and desire. Most of people find selling very interesting, challenging, and satisfactory with huge scope. In simple sentence, selling means exchange of goods or service for an agreed sum of money. Selling is act of communication and persuasion.
If there is a business, there is a selling. Selling is a never ending process of any business. Some sells goods, some sells service and some sells only ideas. Selling is very important for any business management field. Selling is the reason by which a business collects its revenue. A seller sells a product to its customer and receives agreed sum of money in exchange. The main objective of much business is to maximize its profits. There is a simple calculation for calculating profit i.e.
Profit = Revenue – Cost
So, selling is very necessary for any organization to collect revenue and also to meet organization objectives. It also responsible for the growth of business at increases sales with the increase in number of customer. Due to globalization, businesses are to be likely to focus on selling strategies and upgrade its selling technologies. For making an organization successful a good seller is required which makes selling an important and challenging job any people.
Selling is also important because:- 1. Provides a mechanism for exchange. 2. Satisfies customer’s needs and wants 3. Gives employment opportunities. 4. Builds responsibility, and ability to face challenges 5. Helps customers identify products and create opportunity for sales. 6. Deals with needs of each customer through