Student interviewed: Danielle
Occupation choice: Speech Pathologist
After conducting an interview to learn about the factors that have influenced a fellow classmates choice on her future occupation, I have acquired that the main factors are media - what they have seen on t.v., heard in music etc and how it is portrayed (eg. whether it is something looked up upon or negatively viewed), classes at school - what they have found to be most interesting to themselves, inspiration through family - having someone in the family with an impairment and wanting to now help other people with that impairment, and finally self desire - just wanting to pursue a specific career due to high interest.
These factors generally differ from the ones found in the textbook. For example, in the textbook part-time work is seen as a popular influence on choosing your career, however, when interviewed Danielle stated her job has no influence on choosing what she wants to pursue. Another example is that in the text, a families level of education, income, and employment will influence their child to follow in their footsteps. However, in the interview when asked if either of her parents had jobs related to the field they desire to pursue, the answer was negative and in fact Danielle’s parents had jobs in completely different fields of study. This indicates that what people ‘assume’ influences teenagers on their future occupation might not always be true. There have clearly been some influences not even stated in the textbook. Danielle also stated that self desire has been a major factor in choosing her career path. Just the idea of wanting to do something strictly for your self and no one else. This factor was no even stated in the textbook, which indicates the textbook feels that the major factors are from outside influences, not internal. There are, however, some similarities between the text and Danielle’s stated influences. For example, the text states that school has a role in occupation choice, which was also stated by Danielle, “I am currently in Psychology, and I really enjoy that class. It has been one of my favorite classes throughout high school, and it has really motivated me to continue this area of study”. Overall the results were mostly different from the text. Everyone finds inspiration from different things, it would be highly unlikely for everyone to have the same influences.
The strengths and weaknesses of using this method of study (interview) are that the questions are usually open- ended which encourages the subject to provide detailed information. This is a useful tool for gathering information. Interviews also give you an opportunity to clarify answers given to increase the accuracy of the data collected. The weaknesses are that it can be time-consuming, which can cause the subject to rush their answers. Factors such as tone of voice, the way a question may be rephrased, voicing an opinion, inadequate note taking, even the gender and appearance of the interviewer may lead to errors and bias in the answers given. It can also be hard for interviewers to correctly analyze the information given. They can, for example, mis interpret the information.