As a professional practitioner I know and I will follow the steps in the process of the child protection investigation. I know that that the process of responding to concerns about children and young people is determined by law and related guidance. There are agreed steps in the sequence to protect vulnerable children or to at decisive for children who have been harmed.
STEP1:Initial concern and referral
STEP2: Initial inquiries and strategy
STEP3: Investigation and assessment
STEP4: The child protection conference
STEP5: Meeting of the core group
STEP6: The child protection review
Concern about a child
Practitioners would have made appropriate information gathering
Does this raise possible abuse with significant harm?
YES NO ˃ other work with child or familie ˅
Referral to social services, NSPCC*or police child protection unit ˅
Initial inquiries and strategy meeting
Is there possible abuse? ˅ YES NO > Other services for child or family ˅
Is the child at risk of immediate and significant harm? ˅
EMERGENCY ACTION Investigation and assessment
Child protection conference/ Does this child need a child protection plan?
Form a core group NO> further work with child and family
Name the professional who will lead ˅
Meeting of the core group/Develop an individual child protection plan/Implement the plan/Comprehensive assessment of child and family.
Child protection reviews /Does this child still