All early year’s settings must have a child protection policy. These include: All children have right to be kept safe and protected from any abuse or harm. Child abuse can occur in any cultures, religions and social classes. Every person who works with child must be sensitive to the children’s family culture, religions and social background. Children must have the opportunity to express their views and heard. If there is a conflict of interest between the child and parent, the interest of child must be paramount. All staff are responsible for following school and center procedures once they have identified a child protection concern. (immediately
report it to the head-teacher). All staff must to work in partnership with those who hold parental responsibility for a child. Information in the context of a child protection enquiry must be treated as confidential and only be shared with those who need to know. All staff must have access to appropriate and regular training. School manager must allow staff sufficient time to carry out their duties in relation to child protection and safeguarding. in addition to this policy, each setting must also have a clear procedure about to do when there is a concern about a child, these should include: keeping a clear, written record of any concern identified. Reporting any concern to a line of manager, or the designated member of staff who is responsible for safeguarding, who will then decide what the further actions required are. Guidelines about how and whether to discuss the concerns with the child and/or family.