Title: Family Communication Patterns Influence Young Adults’ Conflict Management among Friends
1.0 Research Background
It is observed that family communication patterns had effects on an individual behavior include conflict management. There are previous studies examine that family plays a vital role in an individual social learning and information processing. Family is the earliest social institution that children exposed which they shape their behaviours and values. The past experience of parents will affect their teaching way towards children. However, friend is the group that young adults interact most and there might conflicts happen. There are different solutions when they manage the conflicts according to what they exposed from family since childhood. It is assume that young adults with family conversational orientation have positive relationship with conflict management while young adults with family conformity orientation have negative relationship with individual’s interpersonal skill to solve the conflict. Therefore, we conduct this research by provide some numerical data to confirm such phenomena that young adults’ conflict management is affected by the family communication pattern.
2.0 Research Objectives 1) To determine the type of family communication patterns among young adults in Tunku Abdul Rahman College. 2) To determine the conflict management of friends among young adults in Tunku Abdul Rahman College. 3) To determine the influence of family communication pattern and conflict management.
3.0 Definitions of Keywords 1) Family communication pattern
It refers to the ways of communication between family members which include variety family interactions such as parent with children and children with each others. This communication patterns are used in their daily life when sharing beliefs, attitudes and values. Family communication pattern are divided into two