Gina Banghart RN
Grand Canyon University: NRS -429V-O106
November 24, 2014
Values, Health Perception
This family’s values consist of integrity and loyalty. They practice integrity through always being honest with each other and having good family morals directed by the Bible. Loyalty is also expressed through valuable time spent together as a family unit. Health is defined by exercising and eating health diets. Making healthy food choices and participating in activities as a unit enable them to advance their health as a family.
Lean proteins such as chicken, lean beef, ground turkey, whole grains and pastas and vegetables constitutes a normal meal. Whole grains and pastas consists of brown rice and quinoa. Vegetables are enjoyed raw, steamed and occasionally baked. With this being said, nutrition is very important to this family and they recognize that eating healthy provides the energy that they need to continue to do the things they enjoy. They also feel better when meals consist of healthy items and appropriate serving sizes. In an effort to eat healthy, the family limits their family meal outings to once or twice a week.
In order to prepare for a good night’s rest, a night time routine is established. The family usually gathers in front of the TV after dinner to “unwind”. …show more content…
Showers are taken prior to bed in efforts to aide in sleepiness. The mother of this unit particularly enjoys reading in bed as it makes her “relax and makes [her] feel drowsy so that [she] can fall asleep faster”. The father enjoys clearing his phone of any unread messages and emails as a way to prepare for the next day and have a clear “ending” of the day. Work, play and rest is a constant balancing act for most families and this family is no exception. With the mother being a stay at home mother who works independently from home, homeschools their daughter, serves as the treasurer for the church board, involved in her daughter’s girl scouts troop and is the chairperson for the District Bible Quiz Meet she rarely has a free moment. The mother attempts her best to set her working around family times and schedules herself a workout first thing in the morning. The morning workout helps get raise her energy levels and start “the day out right”. Evening time is dedicated for family time for both parents and child in which they do at least one activity as a family.
Water is the main drink of choice for this family with the exception of the father who thinks coffee should come intravenously. The family eliminates all sugary drinks and sodas with their meals. The daughter on select and rare occasions is allowed to order a soft drink with her meal on an outing as long as its caffeine free. In addition to drinking water and unsweetened tea, the mother enjoys her daily serving of Shakelogy (a protein shake) that aides her in being “more regular”. The mother and daughter both have a history of constipation in which the mother has learned how to fight this battle through diet, exercise and water consumption. Her daughter, up until age 9, struggled with constipation daily and often needed to take Miralax to aide in elimination. Now that the daughter is older, a Shakelogy routine has also been formed. Like the mother, this has aided in becoming more regular in elimination patterns.
As already mentioned, activity and exercise is practiced by this family daily. The mother and father jointly are working out together in an in-home exercise program designed for weight listing. The daughter is highly involved in Girl Scouts and walks and hikes are often incorporated into the girls’ outings. The father enjoys running and takes the dogs on an evening run every day. They also have discovered that through diet and exercise, they have been able to ward off ailments, illness and have gained energy.
The husband suffered a traumatic brain injury while serving in the Army fifteen years ago. As a result, the husband struggles with depression, low self-esteem, memory loss, trouble concentrating, mood swings, impulse decisions, etc. The husband takes medication regularly to assist with these side effects. However, memory loss is something that will always be a struggle. Forgetting things frequently is frustrating so this family has learned to adapt and overcome this but incorporating calendars, using his iPhone, and supportive encouragement by his wife who aides him in remembering important things. The wife has a family history of Alzheimer’s and both her aunt and grandmother passed away from the disease.
None of the family has a sensory deficit such as wearing glasses or hearing aids. The family prevents additional strain on the eyes by making sure to have adequate lighting when performing activities such as eating dinner, reading, homework, etc. Television is also watched at a reasonable sound volume and they never watch it in the complete dark.
Self-perception is important in this family and they don’t talk negatively to each other as a way of maintain self-perception. Even during an argument, tongues are bitten and negative words are refrained as to avoid negative thoughts and actions. If something does happen to be said, apologies are always given. As mentioned earlier, the husband suffers from depression and low self-esteem at times due to memory loss, the mother is always encouraging and never berating or degrading in her words. Life is perceived as being created by God and something that is to be considered precious.
Role Relationship As head of the household, the husband is the spiritual and main financial provider for the home. The mother takes care of the home which includes chores, homeschooling their daughter and works a part time job from home. Helping with chores and any assignments that may be given are fulfilled by the daughter. She is required to help feeds the dogs, clean her room and assist in chores throughout the house.
As a married couple, it is important for them to make and take time for each other.
They do not deny one another if sex is desired or needed by the other partner. Sex is required in a healthy relationship and is recognized as helping to maintain a closeness and united relationship between the two. Spending quality time with each other is also important in making sure to allow for and keep a spark between them reserved for intimacy. The couple has recognized that by maintaining quality time spent together, it impacts their love life in a positive way which reflects in their daily life by decreasing fights, tension,
Grieving has been experienced as being sad the loved one is gone but not feeling hopeless. They find this hope in that their family knows who God is and that they will someday be reunited together in heaven. Communication is supported by prayer and active listening. Death can be a stressful time, and as with most stressful situations, the family finds that praying helps de-stress them. By removing stressful emotions, there is less irritability, less fighting and snapping at one another. Not taking snapping at or irritability as a personal attack also helps the family support each other during heightened stressful times.
Impaired memory related to TBI as evidenced by problems remembering things (Ackley, Betty J, Ladwig, Gail B. (2011). p. 538). This diagnosis is important for the family due to the fact that the father/husband suffered a traumatic brain injury in the Army. As suggested by Ackley, interventions would include using different cues such as “alarm watches, electronic organizers, calendars, lists…to trigger certain actions at designated times” (p. 539). This family already is on their way to assisting with the impaired memory by using such devices.
Risk for constipation related to change in usual eating patterns (Ackley, Betty., Ladwig, Gial B. (2011). p. 268). If this family were to discontinue using the Shakelogy, the constipation may or may not return. With the daughter and mother both having a chronic history of constipation, change in usual eating patterns could definitely be a risk factor.
Ackley, Betty J., Ladwig, Gail B. (2011). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook (9th Ed.). pp. 268, 538- 539). St. Lois, MI,