Study problem
What problem was the study conducted to resolve?
A research problem identifies an area of concern when a gap exists in the knowledge needed for nursing practice (Burns & Grove, 2003, p 55). Family presence (FP) during invasive procedures (IPs) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is considered a right, obligation, and natural event by some organizations, notably nursing (Blair, 2004). According to a survey cosponsored by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) only 5% of U.S. hospitals have written policies on FP during IPs and CPR (Aug 2003). The problem that prompted this study was the need to determine …show more content…
Validity refers to the accuracy of a claim made during a research study (Burns & Grove, 2003, p 274). The researchers used a 4-point Likert scale to measure respondents ' agreement with statements about the problems and benefits of FP. Five nurse experts and two physician experts rated the individual relevance of each item and the overall relevance of the surveys to establish content validity of the instruments. Surveys were revised by three research team members prior to the start of the study. If the content experts did not have 70% agreement on the relevance of the item the item was deleted.
Reliability refers to the consistency of the results obtained (Burns & Grove, 2003, p 45). The method used to test the reliability of the research was calculated by Cronbach 's alpha. This method revealed overall consistency indexes of 0.92 and 0.91 indicating high internal consistency. [Excellent]
Data collection methods
In what way was the data collection procedure appropriate for this …show more content…
Fisher 's exact or chi-square test for categorical survey items and the Student 's t-test or analysis of variance fro attitude scores was used for comparisons between respondents.
The audio taped family interviews and written healthcare provider responses were transcribed and compared again to the recordings or written responses to verify accuracy. Correlations were analyzed and four analyses were used to verify and isolate the criteria variables. These procedures were appropriate for the data collected, the research question, and the testing of the study hypotheses. .[Good]
Strengths and limitations
What are two major strengths of the scientific merit of this study?
This article did not identify any strengths but this writer thinks a strength of this study is the identification of practices healthcare providers can implement in order to assist clients and their family members with improving the outcomes of FP during IP 's and CPR. Another strength of the article was identifying the need of FP during IP 's and CPR. .[Good]
What are two major limitations of the scientific merit of this