During Fannie Lou Hamer’s childhood her family worked as sharecroppers, someone who works on a field rented from a landowner, in order to support themselves. After Lou got older she got married to Perry Hamer and life was pretty “normal” until the civil rights movement had started. Hamer had many difficulties trying to get pregnant and in 1961 she was sterilized without her knowledge or consent (WGBH).This event in her life also played a significant role on her path to be a part of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement. Then later in 1962, Hamer took part in a civil rights movement that would help register black voters. Because the plantation owner was against the idea of Hamer being apart of this movement that helped register blacks to vote she got driven out of the plantation. Although she may have refused to stay and got driven out, this action of hers proved that she wanted to do more for African Americans and their right to vote. Her decision to take part in this movement helped her become a huge part of the civil rights movement. Soon after she became a permanent member for the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee). Though …show more content…
As an activist she was threatened, arrested, beaten and shot at yet she still showed fierceness and was not ready to back down. The story of Hamer and her driven nature leaves a huge positive influence in my life. Her story started with working with her family as a sharecropper to a victim of appendectomy to a civil rights activist. Although I may not face the same challenges as Fannie Lou Hamer and don’t want a political/social activist as a profession I know the lessons taught by Hamer can be used in a different way. I wish to use those lessons in my everyday life and in my future career to make a difference in our society. Her willingness to strive forward and continue fighting is an important character trait that can be used in other fields such as the medical field, the field I wish to pursue. This is an important trait that can be used in many different situations and there needs to be people like that in all the different work